
Ten companies found Turkey Geothermal Association (JED)

Ten companies found Turkey Geothermal Association (JED) Jeotermal Enerji Dernegi, JED
Alexander Richter 1 Apr 2021

Ten corporations found the Turkish Geothermal Energy Association (Jeotermal Enerji Degerni, JED) to strengthen stakeholder relations, continue research and expand the utilization of geothermal energy in Turkey.

The founding partners (see below) have announced the establishment of the Turkish Geothermal Energy Association which is originally known as Jeotermal Enerji Dernegi (JED) to support the geothermal development in Turkey. It was established in July 2020 with the contribution of ten founder members. Our focus is on increasing awareness to geothermal energy starting with domestic activities and going through international collaborations via NGOs and other stakeholders.

It is important to emphasize that your association could be one of our valuable partners to realize our goals and we are looking forward to your valuable feedback for possible partnership opportunities.

In addition to above mentioned items, establishment purposes of our association are to work with all sector stakeholders, including public, private and NGOs, to make geothermal energy contribute to the national economy in a wide range without being limited to electricity generation, and to create the perception of domestic, clean, renewable and reliable geothermal energy with positive content and communication in the public opinion on behalf of the whole sector. Occuring strategic plans for the sustainable use of geothermal resources, activating legislative processes, developing environmental and social policies, and as well as optimally managing the geothermal potential of Turkey are also among our activity objectives.

As the association, we attach great importance to the utilization of geothermal energy sources in many areas such as heating, greenhouse cultivation, fish, mining, drying, cooling and dry ice production, as well as the renewable and sustainable use of geothermal power plants. We continue our work on those subjects.

The geothermal resource has approximately 15 different application areas with its integrated utilization opportunities. Besides, we will also take an active role in the studies required to explain the geothermal energy source correctly, to represent efficiently and to extend integrated utilization.

In the light of these information, JED, which was established with the membership of corporate companies that make up two thirds of the installed power with investments in the geothermal energy sector, has also determined its ethical and working principles with the “Code of Ethics Agreement” signed. With the commitment of our members, our main principles are to bring the stakeholders of the sector together in line with a common goal, to strengthen stakeholder relations, to continue scientific and academic studies together, and to expand the utilization of geothermal energy in all areas. Our Association actively conducts all its activities and works with a corporate association approach.

Our Members:

  • 3S Kale Enerji Üretim A.S.
  • Greeneco Enerji Elektrik Üretim A.S.
  • Gürmat Elektrik Üretimi A.S.
  • Karizma Enerji ?nsaat Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S.
  • Limgaz Elektrik Üretim Madencilik Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S.
  • Maspo Enerji Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S.
  • Mis Enerji Üretim A.S.
  • Turcas Kuyucak Jeotermal Elektrik Üretim A.S.
  • Türkerler Jeotermal Enerji Arama ve Üretim A.S
  • Zorlu Dogal Elektrik Üretimi A.S.

Source: release by email